"The results from the high quality of their work remained long after the price had been forgotten."
László Szivi | Strategic Business Development Director | Lapker Zrt.

About us

Think7 Consulting is an integrated marketing consultancy company providing specialised services not supplied by the classic business consulting companies (financial audit, tax advisory, business consultancy) nor communication agencies (advertising, marketing communications). Most markets facing ever stronger competition requires marketing based strategic planning, however the right human resources are not always available, either due to workload, or the absence of employees with the appropriate professional experience.

The experts of Think7 Consulting have diverse qualifications as well as broad professional experience (10-15 years) in the fields of marketing, marketing communications, PR, sales, market research, business analysis, organization development and HR, which makes us capable of providing the appropriate professional knowledge necessary for strategic planning. Our consultants are not only theoreticians, but are practising specialists who help our clients not only during the planning, but also in the execution phase, and transferring their professional know-how.
Our references cover the pharmaceutical industry, energy and gas, financial services, paper industry, online retail trade, and publishing.

With almost 15 years of experience in marketing and marketing communications, we are proud to say, that

  • Clients generally entrust us when they are facing specific problems that have no in-house solution within the company and/or require an independent professional viewpoint that can provide extra knowledge and professional experience to the planning process.
  • Typically these issues arise in one area of the company, but can be far reaching; impacting many other areas outside of the part where the initial issue was identified.
  • The optimal solution to these issues may require not only the contribution of one part of the company, but the co-ordination of many.

Exactly for the above reason Think7 Consulting, unlike other consulting companies, - do not only deliver "off the shelf" solutions, but the focus of our way of consulting methodology is continuous cooperative work with the client. This method results not only in a professional and appropriate solution to the problem, but also provides a flexibility, which responds to the organisation’s characteristics and specialties.

Most clients do not want to just hear the opinion and advice from someone and outsider, however they would like to take part in solving the problem, and participate in the consultancy process by sharing their knowledge and professional experience. During the consultancy we become ’a part’ of our clients project team, we take more responsibility and give more loyalty than other consulting companies.