"To effectively combine the business and brand strategy is a big challenge in any company. Think7 offered an intelligent method designed to our specific problem which defined not only the long term business and marketing strategy, but also changed the senior management’s thinking about our company in a positive way."
Sándor Gabriella | Marketing Director | Bookline Nyrt.

Why is strategy important?

The absence of strategic planning mostly shows in efficiency: it results in the decrease of revenue, profitability or both. The company growth slows down, and the market position declines. Once a client come to us with the following problem: He continually lost market share to his competitors, although he had the market leading product at a very competitive price which was first on the market in its category. Our analysis showed that loss of market share can be stopped by the pricing element of marketing. With a new pricing strategy he began to regain his market share, which gave him an additional 2 years of advantage and a time for new product development.

"If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable."

- Seneca

In the market segment of another client one competitor has acquired another, resulting in a company of such size and product portfolio that it seriously endangered our client’s market position. Taking advantage of the hesitation of their customer after the acquisition, we examined their purchasing habits as well as all competitors’ product portfolios and pricing strategies and through this we devised a sales, marketing and communication strategy that helped our client’s sales team acquire a significant number of new customers from the competitor and exceeded the planned revenue for this assignment by 150%. As a consequence their perception in the market has improved significantly.

These are just two short examples of the necessity and effectiveness of strategies. With our 15 years of experience we help our clients to increase their revenues and/or profits and improve their market positions by using their companies’ and the markets’ opportunities.